Taking Breaks Before You Break

It’s a crazy world out there. For. All. Of. Us. For me, unplugging has become non-negotiable—right up there with coffee and sleep. Between caring for Ron (who was in a nasty car accident last Christmas but will be fine), my work, and…


By Katie Nall, Ph.D. Telling someone to calm down really doesn’t help calm them. How do we calm ourselves? So many suggestions we already know to relax: breathing, mindfulness, forgiveness, gratitude, being outdoors, stopping electronic…

Golden versus Rusty

By Paula Dice Are you celebrating your golden years? Or, maybe you’re not even close to that period of your life. Today’s culture doesn’t seem to honor age as it has in the past centuries. The term golden years, evokes images…

When the World Stops: The Lessons of the In-Between

Although I’m home now, the last four weeks have taken me to a place where the December newsletter never made it. It’s a world between worlds. Present, but not quite. It’s the in-between. Where was I, you ask? The hospital.…

Uncle Ben’s Advice for 2025

As we enter 2025, consider Benjamin Franklin’s Habit Creation Process. First, determine all that you want to change in yourself; identify the one, most important goal. Break the first goal into attainable steps, track your progress, within…

Take time to Listen

The story of the Wiseman in Christmas reminds us of the importance of listening to our angels, those divine messengers guiding us toward truth and purpose. The wisemen followed a star, a celestial sign that symbolized Hope and divine direction,…

What If Forgiveness Unlocks the Good Stuff You’ve Been Waiting For?

What kind of pain are you in right now? It feels like your life is a GPS that keeps saying, “Recalculating…” Maybe your relationships are struggling. Your finances could use some serious help. So, what’s the way out of…

How Forgiveness Feels

When you think of the person who hurt you, can’t you feel the pain somewhere in your body? Maybe your stomach hurts, your throat tightens, or your head aches? Physically, the emotional pain you felt when someone hurt you may stay in…

Gratitude and Forgiveness

Happy November, everyone! The holiday season is officially upon us, and many are now planning for Thanksgiving and the various celebrations throughout December. In my family, we celebrate Christmas. What traditions do you celebrate? One…

Spoiler Alert: Tomorrow Doesn’t Matter

What’s going to happen tomorrow? It doesn’t matter. Why? It hasn’t happened yet. Will worrying about it change anything? No? Then don’t worry about it. Constantly thinking about the past, and/or worrying about the…