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Your “Wonder” Year

Enter the world of wonder these holidays. Wonder about our rituals, our plans, our ways. What were their purposes? What do they mean? How did they evolve? How were we to be seen? Which ritual should we keep? Which to dismiss? The plans we automatically make and wonder why this? Consider new ways, new approaches, […]

Are you seeing signs?

We are entering the season of signs: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hannukah, and more. This angel story is about noticing, expecting, and understanding signs. One of my recurring clients has struggled with her relationship with finances. She has made great progress with frequent angel messages telling her to “stay the course”, that the money will flow […]


Fall has arrived, with the cool crisp air. Signaling cooler weather, family, and fun. As we make memories and special moments, It may seem like nothing is ever done.   We may want to be in everything everywhere. And we feel like we must do it all. Asking for others to help seems weak When […]

The Quest for Joy

Joy. That’s what we are all searching for right? Joy. Just a little joy. Some. Any. Please? Seriously, I’ll take any joy at all at this point right? So what REALLY brings you joy? Money? A nice home? Clothes? Food? Yes those things bring you joy because poverty and living in the street would certainly […]

Be careful what you wish for

A recent client came to me to ask for Angel Messages about her greatest desire: a second chance with a past boyfriend. She had this desire for months, and felt the second chance would be the answer to her unfulfilled love life. “If only he would give us another chance, I believe we can make […]


Fall is in the air, leaves are in my hair. Holidays are near, scrambling here and there. So very much to do, so very little new. Running to and fro, not enough time to grow. These days return each year. Yet we seem surprised. The fall and winter holidays are never clear. What was grandma’s size? We love these […]

Into the Unknown

Ron and I are moving out of the home we’ve lived in for 18 years this month. We’ve bought a new home near the beach and will be relocating in a few weeks. Time to turn the page and go to that next chapter. Into the unknown. As I sit here at my desk in […]

Faith is HARD

Faith is hard. Why? Mostly because it’s hard to have faith in something you can’t see, touch or smell. I can feel it in my heart, but I can’t see it, and I certainly can’t touch it. It becomes especially hard when your brain is talking you out of something your heart is telling you […]