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Uncle Ben’s Advice for 2025

As we enter 2025, consider Benjamin Franklin’s Habit Creation Process. First, determine all that you want to change in yourself; identify the one, most important goal. Break the first goal into attainable steps, track your progress, within a prescribed schedule and accountability. Once you reach your goal, proceed to the next most important goal and […]

Take time to Listen

The story of the Wiseman in Christmas reminds us of the importance of listening to our angels, those divine messengers guiding us toward truth and purpose. The wisemen followed a star, a celestial sign that symbolized Hope and divine direction, similar to the whispers of the angels in our lives. Their journey required faith and […]

How Forgiveness Feels

When you think of the person who hurt you, can’t you feel the pain somewhere in your body? Maybe your stomach hurts, your throat tightens, or your head aches? Physically, the emotional pain you felt when someone hurt you may stay in your physical body. Dr. Bruce Lipton in his book, “The Biology of Belief,” […]

Gratitude and Forgiveness

Happy November, everyone! The holiday season is officially upon us, and many are now planning for Thanksgiving and the various celebrations throughout December. In my family, we celebrate Christmas. What traditions do you celebrate? One of the most beautiful aspects of our world is that we have the freedom to choose how we honor our […]

Spoiler Alert: Tomorrow Doesn’t Matter

What’s going to happen tomorrow? It doesn’t matter. Why? It hasn’t happened yet. Will worrying about it change anything? No? Then don’t worry about it. Constantly thinking about the past, and/or worrying about the future, can stop you from enjoying the good things happening in your life right now. I’m a breast cancer survivor, and […]

Falling Into Release

Fall leaves in colors orange, yellow, and red. Flutter through the air landing on my head. Trees easily release their brightest and best. Knowing more will sprout to replace the rest. We clutch every good, every ugly, and every bad. Afraid of what happens as releasing makes us sad. Together, let’s fall and release all […]

Life Lessons

Life is full of experiences, both happy and sad. A lot of them are challenging. One of the most valuable lessons is that life is always about learning. Every experience, no matter how difficult, can offer an opportunity for growth and a life lesson. It’s easy to focus on the hurt when things go wrong, […]