
That’s what we are all searching for right?


Just a little joy.

Some. Any. Please?

Seriously, I’ll take any joy at all at this point right?

So what REALLY brings you joy?

Money? A nice home? Clothes? Food?

Yes those things bring you joy because poverty and living in the street would certainly NOT be very joyful.

What is joy really? I’m not kidding. What is it exactly? Because those things I mentioned are just that. Things.

They are temporary joy.

And as much as I like those things, I would much rather have something that can’t be taken away from me.

So how do I get permanent joy that won’t go away?

Joy is a choice. It’s a lifestyle. It’s a minute-by-minute decision. You choose to have joy, no matter what your circumstance. Joy and love are who we are deep down inside. It’s our birthright.

Forgiving people from your past will get you to joy.

Why? Because anger is toxic and heavy. Joy and love are light and healthy. Forgiveness rids your body of the toxic anger.

Are you in a bad place with no joy? Then bring some joy to someone else. A small gesture is all you need. Show a kindness to someone. A loving gesture that you do just because you want to. Not because you want something in return.


Start small. Choose to have a joyful day when you wake up. Think about the word “joy” as you sip your coffee. Dream about what joy might look like in your life. Then trust your heart as you go through your day. Ignore the negative Nellie’s you come across. Those are simply the last cries from people trying to keep us all asleep, broke and blind.

Look to the positive things going on around you.

Know that there is MORE to life than what you know.

Much more.

Know there is joy here … in spite of the chaos around us all. There is joy and love.

Actively look for “joy” today. I think you’ll be surprised at how much you find.

Try it tomorrow morning. Try living in “joy” for one day. Don’t complain all day about anything and be grateful for everything. No matter how small.

I think you’re going to love this.

Be joyful my friends!

Until next time,

About the Author: To read more about Katharine, please click here