My relationship with money has had its ups and downs.

Actually, it’s been more like a leaky bucket. You put water in hoping that it stays there only to have it leak out through the holes in the bucket.

It’s horrible.

We started out with a nice full bucket. It took twenty years of hard work in our consulting business, but the bucket was getting full!

Then I got Stage three triple positive breast cancer. Four years of operations, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments took a ton of our savings away. Anyone who has been through cancer, knows what I’m talking about.

I’m still here though! Take THAT cancer.

Rebuilding my business after being sick for so long took more money out of our bucket.

Then the year 2020 happened.

Not only did I have to close the association I was running, but the consulting clients dried up for a while.

Everyone’s business suffered, not only mine.

There was so little left in the bucket at that point that it quite literally brought me to my knees.

Then an amazing thing happened. I found Katie Nall. Once I joined her Mastermind group, these loving like-minded people circled their wagons around me. With loving kindness, they helped me plug the holes in the bucket so that any money that flows into the bucket will finally stay there.

Katie, Paula and I also teamed up and launched this website and our retreats.

Here’s what the journey taught me.

People told me for years that money doesn’t buy happiness.

Here’s my problem with that. Without money, you’re in survival mode!  The fear and stress of losing everything is your only focus. You forget everything else and only do things that make you money, regardless of whether or not you enjoy these things. Feeding your family and paying your bills are the priority. Without money, you have no options to show people who you really are, nor do you even have the choice. When you come out of money stress, you’re happiness level goes up because you can pay your bills now! Plus, you can finally be that person you always wanted to be.

Listen, money is not inheritantly evil, it simply makes things easier. Without the leaky bucket you can pay your bills, feed your family, and finally focus on things you want to do. You no longer have to work to live, you can simply live and do work that actually brings you joy.

Money doesn’t transform you per se, it simply brings out who you REALLY are. Good, bad, or ugly, your true self will come out. Now you have choices!  You can use your new life for good, or for bad, thus showing people who you really are deep down.

Money brings out the real you.

If you would like to talk about your journey, schedule a session with me!

Until next time,


About the Author: To read more about Katharine, please click here