Ron and I are moving out of the home we’ve lived in for 18 years this month. We’ve bought a new home near the beach and will be relocating in a few weeks. Time to turn the page and go to that next chapter.

Into the unknown.

As I sit here at my desk in my soon-to-be old home, I’m thankful.

Thankful for this old house that gave us so much. It’s been filled with love and laughter for a long time. It was also filled with teenagers back in the day as we were the hang-out house! So many of our sons’ friends ended up at our kitchen table asking for advice. I am grateful we were there to help.

Thankful for my friends and family who catch me every time I fall. Moving is stressful. I couldn’t have done it without Ron, Katie and Paula helping me get through it. When the sky fell? They were there to help me put it back up.

I have also survived cancer, financial hardship, and too many family and friend’s deaths in this house.

I am still here.

I am at peace right now. In this moment.

Tomorrow will come when it comes, and will bring what it brings.

With my circle by my side, together we will brave any new storms that might come along and we will all move forward.

So what do I do when I am stressed?

I do several things, but here’s the quickest one that offers immediate relief.

Take a deep breath.


Now let it out.

Feel that?

It’s right in between that breath and the next one.

It happens so fast you miss it.

That’s peace.

It might only be for a nano-second, but it is there.

Try it again. This time look for that feeling in between breaths.

Peace in this moment.

Now take that feeling with you today.

And when something goes nuts?  Take a breath and find that peace again.

Until next time my friends.


About the Author: To read more about Katharine, please click here