When we answer the question of Who Are You, our reply is usually our name. Sometimes, we will elaborate with our title (employment) or role (parent, grandparent, child, etc.).

Sometimes we answer the question with a description of what defines us – either a victim or a victory. For instance, some answers may include how we survived (“I’m a veteran”) or some answers may define an accomplishment (“I’m an award winner!”).

And what defines us may also limit us.

Parents are defined by the age of their children; college students like to add their major study in their answer; hospital patients may include their named illness almost as bragging rights.

In reality, aren’t we all the same: humans either seeking acceptance, pleasure, or trying to avoid pain?

Listen to the answer others give to your question of “Who Are You?,” and add the phrase “fellow human” to their answer so we can better understand, live together, and prosper with one another.