Watching two families on the beach, each with young children who obviously had never been there before, I enjoyed observing the kids different approaches to the same beach, same shore, same waves.

One family’s child raced to the waves, running and jumping as she plowed into the water. Unaware of any possible danger, she surged forward for the excitement and fun of the turbulent waves.

Another family’s child hesitantly removed his sandals, wincing as his toes sunk into the sand. He sat solidly under their umbrella, and with trepidation on his face reluctantly obeyed his parents to venture into the turbulent waves.

The beach was the same for both; the waves were the same for both; and yet each child had a different reaction to the experience.

Each one of us are living our lives the best we can. Sometimes we are like the one running into life, jumping and laughing and ready to experience it. Other times we need to sit and contemplate and wait until the time is right.

These are seasons of our life. And each one is right at the right time.

It’s knowing which time it is that makes the difference.

What time is it for you?

Katie Nall, Ph.D.