As we enter 2025, consider Benjamin Franklin’s Habit Creation Process. First, determine all that you want to change in yourself; identify the one, most important goal. Break the first goal into attainable steps, track your progress, within a prescribed schedule and accountability. Once you reach your goal, proceed to the next most important goal and repeat. Sounds simple, so why don’t we follow Ben’s advice?

We cannot adapt to desired changes because we entertain too many interruptions: Internet, Social Media, and News for example. We allow others to dictate our thoughts rather than take control of our own thoughts.

To change, we have to make deliberate effort to reprogram our brain, control our emotions, and avoid slipping into “the comfort zone.”

In 2025, I encourage you to step outside your comfort zone, regulate your emotions, and decide for yourself where you want to be in 12 months, Ben Franklin style!