How many times have you been in a hurry and found yourself driving, switching lanes, racing to the next stoplight to see you are no further ahead in traffic than you were at the last light?

We all do believe if we just ran a little quicker, got ahead of one more car, and fly past this slow-poke we’d be where we want to be even sooner.

And sometimes we use the same strategy in our lives. If we only work a few more hours of overtime, make a few more phone calls, schedule a few more zoom introductions, we’ll be where we want to be even sooner. And once we accomplish those few more things, we stop to see we are no further ahead than we were the last time we looked up.

September marks the beginning of our societal rush – school resumes, holiday season looms, and pressure can bloom. As we start this fall rush, notice how many times we are racing and ask ourselves will we be further ahead than we were before? Like Katharine suggests, take the time to ‘be in the moment’ before we curse the slow-poke parts of our lives, take a deep breath, and look up.
