Ever heard of reincarnation? It’s a concept that might hold the key to understanding and resolving your deepest struggles. You see, there are intriguing references to reincarnation in various spiritual texts. Take the Bible, for example; passages like Matthew 11:13-15 and Matthew 17:12 touch upon this idea. The Jewish Kabbalah and the Zohar also delve into the concept, as does Buddhism, aiming for liberation from the cycle of rebirth to achieve nirvana.

Every act of violence, every injustice, leaves an energetic imprint that lingers in our DNA. Our emotional past travels with us, residing in our very bodies. These pockets of past experiences, this energy, follows us from one lifetime to the next… until it’s cleared and replaced with a higher, lighter energy.

Uncovering a past life could be the root cause of your phobias, fears, addictions, or persistent issues.

Once you hear about a past life that might be interfering with your current situation, you may find the information jarring. It’s not always jarring.

The next step in the Power of 3 session, our Angel expert will receive and convey personal messages from the angels, and possibly loved ones on the other side.

As exciting as it is to discover past lives and receive angel messages, until you discover the life lesson, this information is incomplete. The angel messages lead you into the experience which will resolve the lessons you are here to learn.

All of these steps contribute to answering the issues that brought you here.

Our Power of 3 one-hour sessions offer a unique combination of private services: a past life reveal, angel messages, and recalibration. Clients who have experienced this profound journey report lasting, deep transformations.

For those facing significant challenges and seeking swift progress, you may prefer our three-hour package. When you’re feeling overwhelmed and stuck, this intensive session clears the path for you to move forward with clarity and purpose.