Welcome to 2024!

We are at the beginning of a new year full of expectations, making plans, setting goals, and moving forward. Some of us are looking back reflecting on accomplishments as well as unfinished business.

How does all of that make you feel?

Are you happy with the results?

Are you feeling good about the new year ahead of us?

Feelings, both good and bad, affect all of us. Have you, or someone you know, have mixed feelings emotions about a message you received?

I know I have. It’s important to know that a message from the other side can bring you comfort, understanding, and joy, but it can also remind us of sadness and feelings of loss. When I give someone an angel message, that information may not be what you were expecting to hear, it might not even be what you wanted to hear, but it’s the message you needed to hear. The feelings and emotions that are attached to it can help us heal and move forward as we are stepping into a new year.

I hope that you embrace your feelings and honor your past experiences and are moving forward. Blessing to you all.