Faith is hard.


Mostly because it’s hard to have faith in something you can’t see, touch or smell. I can feel it in my heart, but I can’t see it, and I certainly can’t touch it. It becomes especially hard when your brain is talking you out of something your heart is telling you to do.

Many years ago, my husband Ron and I took our two sons to Maine to visit family. I remember it was a beautiful morning and my two brothers decided that we should all climb a mountain. Easy for them to say as I wasn’t in “mountain climbing” shape back in those days, but off we went anyways despite my griping. Ron’s bad knees forced him to stay behind.

The climb wasn’t bad and I soon found myself at the top. As I am terrified of heights, I stayed by the tree line where I was certain I would be safe.

My family, however, had no fear whatsoever and they all eagerly walked onto the cliff like mountain goats.

Although it was very beautiful up there, I found myself frozen in place. I was absolutely terrified and refused to leave the safety of the tree line. In fact, from where I was standing, I couldn’t see beyond the first rock. It was like an infinity pool as I couldn’t see what was beyond the first ledge. So from my perspective it looked like my sons were standing right at the edge of the mountain.

Of course I panicked even more and started pleading with them to come back.

Actually, if you want me to be completely honest with you, I wasn’t just pleading, I was yelling like a screaming lunatic.

My brothers clearly agreed that I was a lunatic because they both turned around and looked at me like I had lost my mind.

To calm me down, my younger brother called to my sons to come back. Lance then turned around and started to walk towards me. When he got closer he gently asked me to walk towards him and told me that it was completely safe.

Come and see for yourself, he said.


Having faith in something you can’t see is seriously hard.

I could feel droplets of sweat rolling down my forehead as my stomach twisted into one huge knot.

The little bird on my shoulder gently nudged me forward.

Shaking like a leaf, I took a step. Then after a deep breath, I took a few more. I soon found myself standing on a very flat rock that winded around the mountain like a staircase. There was no steep cliff. I’ll admit that I felt a bit silly and gingerly wandered around with Lance for a few minutes. To their credit, neither one of my brothers laughed, nor did I get the famous “I told you so” line.

They simply smiled at me and we moved on.

Now why am I telling you this story?

It’s all about faith …

If you have hit a wall with your business or personal life, then it’s time to move beyond the clearing. You need to move beyond the safety of the trees so that you can go to the next level of your life! I completely understand that it’s hard, I’ve been there. You need to move beyond those fears if you want to get beyond the tree line.

What if I told you that you absolutely can’t fail? Would you move forward? What would you do? How would you act? What’s the first step you would take to make your dream a reality? Do that now.

Just know that there is a huge flat rock beyond that clearing. You might not be able to see if from your vantage point, but it’s there.

Now take a deep breath and start. Let faith and the little bird on your shoulder be your compass.

What’s the worst thing that can happen? You’ll fall?

Listen, I’ve fallen down thousands of times. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with falling. It’s only wrong if you don’t pick yourself back up and try again.

Now take my hand and take that first step. Let’s go find out what’s beyond YOUR tree line.

If you have faith, you can do anything.

Until next time my friends,


About the Author: To read more about Katharine, please click here