Are You Happy? Seriously, are you?
That’s the destination, right?
We are all desperately seeking happiness.
So let me ask you a question: Are you happy?
I know many people who are happy, but they tell me that they try to downplay it so as not to upset…
Why diving into your negative emotions will change your life forever
A few years ago, my youngest son and I were talking about life. Eventually we got into memories from the past. First the good ones, and then a few bad ones.
Thinking he would talk about his friends, I asked him how he got through those dark…
The Leaky Bucket
My relationship with money has had its ups and downs.
Actually, it's been more like a leaky bucket. You put water in hoping that it stays there only to have it leak out through the holes in the bucket.
It's horrible.
We started…
What if TODAY was the day that changed your life?
If you look back, I’ll bet my last dollar that you all can remember one day that completely changed your path forever. I’ve actually had a few change-your-life days over the years that have caused me to pivot, but I will never ever forget…
Can you answer the question: what makes me happy?
If your life looks like an endless game of whack-a-mole, then perhaps you need to find out what really makes you happy!
Try this exercise...
On a blank piece of paper write down “what makes me happy” at the top of the page.
Stuck in a Traffic Again?
Life is hard.
Or life can be great.
It really depends on your perspective.
Two people can look at the exact same thing and each have different thoughts about it.
Take a traffic jam, for example. You could stress out about…