Uncle Ben’s Advice for 2025

As we enter 2025, consider Benjamin Franklin’s Habit Creation Process. First, determine all that you want to change in yourself; identify the one, most important goal. Break the first goal into attainable steps, track your progress, within…

How Forgiveness Feels

When you think of the person who hurt you, can’t you feel the pain somewhere in your body? Maybe your stomach hurts, your throat tightens, or your head aches? Physically, the emotional pain you felt when someone hurt you may stay in…

Falling Into Release

Fall leaves in colors orange, yellow, and red. Flutter through the air landing on my head. Trees easily release their brightest and best. Knowing more will sprout to replace the rest. We clutch every good, every ugly, and every bad. Afraid…

Racing to the Red Light

How many times have you been in a hurry and found yourself driving, switching lanes, racing to the next stoplight to see you are no further ahead in traffic than you were at the last light? We all do believe if we just ran a little quicker,…

What would happen to you if you took the risk?

I wasn’t really looking, and yet, five years ago, an email promoting an unusual workshop found its way to me and piqued my interest. The event was in another state and more money than I had at the time. However, the new workshop idea sparked…

Eat, Drink, and Panic

When we are hungry, we know to eat. To avoid the state of hunger, we eat healthy meals at regular times. When we are thirsty, we know to drink. To avoid the state of thirst, we drink water throughout the day. And yet, we do not acknowledge…

What Time Is It For You?

Watching two families on the beach, each with young children who obviously had never been there before, I enjoyed observing the kids different approaches to the same beach, same shore, same waves. One family’s child raced to the waves,…

Who Are You?

When we answer the question of Who Are You, our reply is usually our name. Sometimes, we will elaborate with our title (employment) or role (parent, grandparent, child, etc.). Sometimes we answer the question with a description of what defines…

My lesson in taking my time

  As an experienced seamstress, I was excited to select the perfect material for one of the easiest patterns, along with the required elastic and ribbon to create a pair of wrap pants. Taking my sewing material treasures home from…

What is your relationship with money?

As we prepare papers, forms, and energy to complete last year’s taxes, I ask, “What is your relationship with money?” Many of us were raised with the repeated phrase, “Money is the root of all evil.” The correct and total phrase…