If your life looks like an endless game of whack-a-mole, then perhaps you need to find out what really makes you happy!

Try this exercise…

  1. On a blank piece of paper write down “what makes me happy” at the top of the page.
  2. Then, quickly write down anything that comes to mind … words, emotions, places, people, images … don’t think just write down any thoughts or images that come to your mind

Do this for three days in a row right before bed. Then on the fourth day, read what you’ve written. You will begin to see a common theme. If you don’t see anything similar, keep doing it for a few days more. Perhaps a lot of things make you happy!

For example, maybe travel makes you happy. If this is you, I might avoid working in a cubicle. Instead I would look for jobs that allow me to travel, or at the very least allows me to do different things in different locations.

If you see names of people popping up, then why not give them a call if they make you happy?

Take action even if it’s a small one. Move forward!



About the Author: To read more about Katharine, please click here