We are entering the season of signs: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hannukah, and more. This angel story is about noticing, expecting, and understanding signs.

One of my recurring clients has struggled with her relationship with finances. She has made great progress with frequent angel messages telling her to “stay the course”, that the money will flow freely and easily soon.

And her finances continue to improve, albeit, not as quickly or in the manner she anticipated. As she worked on new and different projects, she still felt frustrated.

Then an angel sign appeared which confused her. She told me she had three angel ornaments that were gifts from a client: one was white, one was gold, and one was green. All three angels were pinned securely into her bookcase behind her desk for her to cherish daily.

One morning she came into her office and found the green angel on the floor. She picked it up, checked it out, and was puzzled how it got from the bookcase to the middle of her office floor. There was no way even her mischievous cat could have swiped the angel off the bookcase. She didn’t think much of it, repining it back its place.

The next day, only the green angel was again in the middle of the floor. Again, puzzled and curious, she rehung it back in its place.

During our scheduled session, my client casually mentioned the green angel experiences. I was delighted to tell her that the GREEN angel represented the money she was to receive soon. It was a sign that the angels knew she was frustrated and yet encouraging her to begin becoming more aware of more signs.

Although she noticed the angel, she was unaware of the meaning the angels shared with me: “Notice more.”

What signs are you seeing in your life? If you wonder about the meaning, contact me.
