I was at Target checking out when I heard somebody yell ‘I know that voice.’ It was an old friend of mine who I hadn’t seen in a while.

The minute she came over to me, I had this overwhelming feeling that I had a message to share with her, but I ignored it as I was busy that day. So we chatted for a bit and caught up with each other. Her grandmother, who had breast cancer, was doing well but her grandfather passed. I gave her a big hug, gave her my condolences, and eventually went home.

That night as I’m drifting off to sleep, I get an angel message. It was my friend’s grandfather who had recently passed from a heart attack! His passing was an unexpected surprise as he was in seemingly good health. He told me that I need to call his daughter-in-law because he was concerned about his great-granddaughters. He said that one of the girls was not handling his death very well, that she was overwhelmed with grief. She was doing poorly in her classes at college, and had sequestered herself in her dorm room. She was trying to be brave when she went home on the weekends but was really having a hard time with his death. He then gives me the exact words I need to pass along to her.

So let me get this straight, I have to cold call someone I don’t know, who did not ask me for a message! I was uncomfortable to say the least as this was way out of my comfort zone. I also knew that I couldn’t ignore this one.

I did call his daughter-in-law and gave her the message. Afterwards, she asked me to please write it down so she could read it to the girls. She was afraid that she would miss something that I needed to pass on. The message was too important to leave something out. So even though I’m a terrible typist, I texted the message out and sent it to her. The grandfather was very grateful!

So the reason I’m telling you this story is because sometimes you’ll get messages you didn’t ask for. Sometimes the other side reaches out first. We all just need to pay attention to our intuition. Pay attention to our surroundings, what’s going on around us. And listen, just take a moment and listen when you have an interaction with someone. Especially when you know that something’s not quite right.

So be well my friends. I hope this helps you.
