This is the five-year anniversary of my husband’s death. I thought I was doing really great with the whole grief experience as I believed five years would be enough time to grieve. We have all been told so many cliches:

  • They are always with you.
  • The love is always there.
  • You have all the wonderful memories of the time you spent with them.
  • We are grateful for the time we had together.

These are all wonderful sentiments, and they do help. Your friends and family mean well! They want to offer comfort, empathy, love, and support.

However, what I do know from experience is that everyone grieves differently. Honestly do not ever let someone tell you how to grieve, or when it’s enough.

Doing what I do as an Angel messenger, I also receive my own messages and signs. Recently, my husband came to me in a dream and told me “Enough Paula, you’re done grieving for me. You need to be done.” Well, for him it was enough time. (He was always brutally blunt.)

That didn’t work for me because I realized I wasn’t done. I still held anger issues because he left, and I was still mad as hell about it! Thankfully I have wonderful people in my life who are helping me work through the issues that I’m still experiencing.

I believe life is all about experiences, and from those experiences’ lessons are learned and we grow. We receive the messages learned and then we adjust and adapt. I’m not saying this is easy, nor am I trying to explain the meaning of life.

I’m simply suggesting that with time, effort, and your unique approach to this process, you can and should move forward, holding those loved ones in your heart, and taking the actions and time that you need.