What We Do

Maybe in your religion you might have heard about reincarnation. In fact, there are a number of passages on reincarnation in the bible, as in Matthew 11: 13-15; and Matthew 17:12.

The concept of reincarnation can also be found in the Jewish Kabbalah and the Zohar.

In Buddhism the ultimate aim is to be free of rebirth and achieve nirvana.

Every act of violence, or unfair act, leaves an energetic footprint stays in our DNA. Our emotional history follows us. Our past experiences are pockets of energy which remains with us, following us from life to life… until cleared and replaced by a higher and lighter energy.

A past life is often the root cause of a phobia, fear, addiction, problem.

In the Power of Three sessions, Katharine will reveal the past life that is currently affecting you. Paula will report messages from the Angels. Katie will repair the emotional effect using Emotional Freedom Technique.

For example, are you having…

  • Trouble sleeping?
  • Fear of water?
  • Fear of heights?
  • Money trouble?
  • Relationship issues?
  • Trust issues?
  • Fear of failure or success?
  • Imposter syndrome?

We help you find your divine purpose, bring clarity, and assist you with your blocks, phobias and/or fears. We gently offer encouragement and new ideas.

Please understand we only share helpful and beneficial information. What is revealed is information that influences your life right now.

After receiving our services, clients have felt lighter, become more productive, gained clarity, and have a greater understanding of why they live the way they do.