Giving up is easy.

Seriously. It takes no effort at all to just throw in the towel and walk away.

What is not easy is staying the course.

Rolling up your sleeves, taking a deep breath, and diving into that problem head first is hard.

I should know as my breast cancer battle caused me to shut down an association and the company that I started. Giving that up and walking away as I faced my cancer battle was easy.

(Update: been cancer free since 2012!)

What is NOT easy is starting over and trying again until you get it right. Once I was healthy again, I reformed the company and got back on track.

It would have also been easy to give up on my cancer battle and go up to heaven, but that’s not who I am. I’m a fighter who wins her battles, and I won that one too.

Giving up is clearly not in my vocabulary.

Here’s the reality: If you want to live your dream, then DON’T GIVE UP NO MATTER WHAT! Don’t listen to people when they try to talk you out of your dream. Forget the ones who are telling you to shut it all down. Just ignore them. This is your life, not theirs. You choose which roads to walk down and which ones to ignore.

You choose.

Cancer has taught me many things, but one of them is this: Your life’s path is yours to choose. No one can do it for you. Others can offer advice and comments, but at the end of the day, it’s yours to win or lose.

Did you know that studies show that only 10 percent of your success and happiness comes from outside sources? Only 10 percent! So clearly your life and business success is an inside job. It’s a head trip. It’s all up to you.

That being said, I choose to win my battles. I choose to be happy and prosperous. I choose to live.

Sure, life will continue to throw hardballs at me. That’s what life is all about. The “you know what” will hit the fan once in a while. How you get through that battle is all up to you. I might not be able to control the fact that I got cancer, or the fact that my company was literally brought to its knees because of it. What I can control is how I get through it. I can choose to fight and not give up. I can choose to start over and try again.

So stand up and fight.

Stand up and win.

Stand up and live your dream.

Just stand up and never ever give up.

Listen, you haven’t reached the end; you have reached the beginning of a brand new journey.

Your new life starts right now.

With joy and peace,



About the Author: To read more about Katharine, please click here