Anger: The Glitter of Emotions – Messy, Hard to Clean Up, and Somehow Everywhere!

Have you ever used glitter? It gets everywhere! Weeks later, you’re still finding it all over the room where you used it, even after vacuuming three times. It gets on your skin, your clothes, your hair. Glitter is messy. Anger is also…

Eat, Drink, and Panic

When we are hungry, we know to eat. To avoid the state of hunger, we eat healthy meals at regular times. When we are thirsty, we know to drink. To avoid the state of thirst, we drink water throughout the day. And yet, we do not acknowledge…

Savoring Summer: Living in the Moment

Embracing the summer heat means savoring each moment without yearning for fall's cool breezes. The intense warmth of the summer invites us to slow down and appreciate the present. This encourages a mindset of gratitude and mindfulness. It's…